The XXXth Annual ASEN Conference
Nationalism & Crisis

🙜 Schedule

Please note that all times are given in UTC. At the time of the conference, London will be at UTC+1; New York will be at UTC-4. Check the conversion from UTC to your city here.

🙧 April 5

1500 – Gellner Lecture

The Ernest Gellner Lecture, established in 1996, traditionally takes place on the eve of the ASEN Conference. This year, it will be given by Prasenjit Duara on ‘Nationalism and the Crisis of Modernity’. For more information, please see the Gellner Lecture page.

🙧 April 6

1445 – Conference Welcome

Jonathan Hearn, President of ASEN
Isadora Dullaert & Andi Haxhiu, Conference Co-chairs

1500 – Plenary with Jasbir K. Puar

“Rethinking Homonationalism (Redux) as Homocapitalism”

1630 – Panel Session A

A1: Populism of the left and populism of the right

A2: Operationalising and measuring nationalism

A3: Diaspora nationalism and imagined communities

A4: How states manage the response to Covid

A5: Nationalism and crisis in central and southern Europe

1800 – Panel Session B

B1: Conflict, crisis, and the nation

B2: The discourse of responses to crisis

B3: Making the case for liberal democracy

B4: Meet the Editors with Nations and Nationalism and Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism

🙧 April 7

1330 – Panel Session C

C1: Responses to crisis in contested territories

C2: Theoretical perspectives on nationalism

C3: Radical responses to crisis

C4: Nationalism, inclusion, and exclusion

C5: Crisis and the system of nations

1500 – Panel Session D

D1: Nationalisms in the United Kingdom

D2: Construction and representation of identities in China

D3: Populism in south Asia

D4: Memory, culture, and the performance of identity

D5: Levels of belonging

D6: State responses to Covid

1630 – Plenary with Cynthia Miller-Idriss

“The Global Far Right”

🙧 April 8

1330 – Panel Session E

E1: Digital nationalism

E2: Popular reactions to Covid

E3: Nationalism and identity in Hong Kong

E4: The discourse of leadership

E5: Citizenship, borders, and crisis

1500 – Plenary with Bart Bonikowski

“Foregrounding Nationalism in Theories of Radical-Right Success”

1630 – Panel Session F

F1: Independence movements in North America and Europe

F2: The discourse of responses to Covid

F3: Illiberal responses to crisis in the USA

F4: Historical antecedents of national identity

F5: The politics of citizenship

1800 – Round Table

1925 – Conference close