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- Submissions must be double spaced throughout, including endnotes and list of references;
- On a separate sheet, please provide author’s name, address, a brief biographical note, a 100–150 word abstract, 3-5 keywords, acknowledgements, and a word count (including references and endnotes, but not the separate sheet).
- Methods. Articles, whether using primarily quantitative or qualitative methods or mixed methods, are equally welcome provided that they focus on substantive issues to do with nations and nationalism and are accessible to the broad readership of the journal.
- Preparation of the manuscript. Paragraph formatting (especially for Book Reviews)In order to ensure paragraphs are formatted correctly in layout of proofs, all line breaks and paragraph breaks must be carefully inserted and checked in the original manuscript.
- Anonymisation. In order to meet the criterion of anonymity we would strongly advise authors not to refer to themselves by name in the text of their submission with the proofs.
- Article length. Articles should normally be between 7000 and 10000 words (including endnotes and references). Review Articles should not exceed 3000 words, and Book Reviews should not exceed 800 words. A word count must be provided in all cases.
- Quotation marks. “Double” quotation marks, with closing punctuation inside marks and ‘single’ marks for quotes within quotes: US style. Double quotations should also be used for direct quotations, which should have a reference with a page number or n.p.
- Foreign language text. Foreign language text should always be italicised, even when lengthy. English translations should appear in square brackets immediately at the foreign language text.
- Dates. Dates should be given in the form ’12 December 1972′ or ‘on 12 December’.
- Numbering. The least number of figures should be used in page numbers, dates etc. (e.g. pp. 22-4; 105-6 and 1948-9), except between ’10’ and ’19’, ‘110’ and ‘119’, etc. In text and tables, decimals should be expressed: 0.012, 1.01 etc.
- Spelling practices. Should be consistent throughout the article and should follow British spelling conventions.
- Abbreviations. Full stops should follow most abbreviations (e.g. pp., p., ed.), but full stops should not be used for Dr, Mr or in acronyms such as NATO or UN, or well-known abbreviations, BBC, USA, MP.
- Visual material: Authors are encouraged to submit images (photos, artworks, tables, graphs, maps etc.) where appropriate.
- Per cent. The words ‘per cent’ and not ‘percent’ or ‘%’ should appear in the text, but ‘%’ may be used in the Notes section, figures and tables.
- Bibliographical referencing in text. The ‘Harvard’ system should be used for bibliographical references in the text and notes: give author’s name, year of publication and page number(s) in round brackets. The Nations and Nationalism house style is as follows:
- ‘of patriarchal authority (Connell 1987: 59-60)’;
- ‘for example, Michael Riley (1983) …’;
- Where several references are cited together in the text they should be placed in alphabetical order: ‘a new view of operations (Abu-Lughold 1994; Davis 1999; Watson 1999)’
- In the case of two works being referred to in the article, which are by the same author and published in the same year, the reference should be as follows: ‘see, for example Anthony Smith (1990a)’, and if both are to be included in the one reference: ‘Smith (1990a, 1990b)’, or if published by same author in a different year: ‘Smith (1990, 1994)’.
- Where there are four or more authors for a work the first name should be used, followed by ‘et al.’: ‘(Smith et al. 1969: 235-6)’;
- ‘(Billig 1995: 24-9)’; use the minimum number of digits in page numbers, except between ’10’ and ’19’, ‘110’ and ‘119’, etc.;
- For mention of first editions and translations within the text, authors should cite the edition to which they are referring followed by the original publication date placed in square brackets e.g. (Marx 1970 [1844]: 333);
- In the case of a chapter from an edited volume being referred to in the article, the author of the chapter should be referenced within parentheses.
- In the case of online references that do not include a publication date, the reference should be as follows: (Webber online)
- op.cit., ibid., idem. etc. should not be used – the author, date and page reference should be cited in full.
- For an institutional authorship, supply the minimum citation: ‘a recent statement by the Government of Australia (Australia 2008: 12)’. Where the institution is commonly referred to by an acronym, use the acronym in the reference: ‘one aim of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation is to “contribute to the building of peace”‘ (UNESCO online).
- For authorless articles or studies, use the name of the magazine, journal, newspaper or sponsoring organization, and not the title of the article: ‘it was stated (The Guardian 2003) that…’
- op.cit., ibid., idem. etc. should not be used – the author, date and page reference should be cited in full.
- Bibliographical reference list. A list of references should be included at the end of the article starting on a new page and titled References. The list should be alphabetical by surname of author. Authors’ names should be in upper and lower case, while the titles of books, journals, films, newspapers, etc. should be in italics. Please ensure that all entries in the text are referred to in the Bibliography and vice versa. The Nations and Nationalism house style is as follows:
- Anderson, B. 2006. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. 2nd edn. rev. London: Verso.
- Billig, M. 1995. Banal Nationalism. London: Sage.
- Brubaker, R., Feischmidt, M., Fox, J., and Grancea, L. 2006. Nationalist Politics and Everyday Ethnicity in a Transylvanian Town. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Brubaker, R. 2002. ‘Ethnicity without Groups’, Archives europennes de sociologie 43, 2: 163-89.
- General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad (GSGA). 2009. ‘Diaspora’s General Facts’, (Accessed 15 July 2011).
- Hobsbawm, E.1983. ‘Mass-Producing Traditions: Europe 1870-1914’ in Hobsbawm and T. Ranger (eds.), The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Hroch, M. 2006. ‘Modernization and Communication as Factors of Nation Formation’ in G. Delanty and K. Kumar (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Nations and Nationalism. London: SAGE Publications.
- Hroch, M. 2000 [1985]. Social Preconditions of National Revival in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of the Social Composition of Patriotic Groups among the Smaller European Nations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Schertzer, R.S. 2012. Judging the nation: the Supreme Court of Canada, federalism and managing diversity. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science.
- The Guardian. 1995. ‘Nationalism Today’, 3 June 1995: 20.
- de Tocqueville, A. 2010 [1835, 1840]. Democracy in America: Historical-Critical Edition of De la Démocratie en Amérique. 4 vols. Trans. by J.T. Schleifer. Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund.
- Tables and Illustrations. Tables should be properly titled and numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text. Illustrations such as diagrams, maps and graphs must be referred to as ‘Figures’, must have their own title and must be numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text. Necessary permission must be obtained by the author for the reproduction of any illustration or table already published.
- Notes section. Notes should be kept to a minimum, be printed as endnotes and should be typed double-spaced as a separate section preceding the References.
- Copyright. It is a condition of acceptance that a contribution has not already appeared in print and that if accepted it will not be reproduced elsewhere without the written permission of ASEN. Work which has previously been published in another widely-spoken European language must be substantially revised before publication in English. Authors are responsible for the correct attribution of all their sources.
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- Book Reviews. Reviews should not exceed 800 words. Please note that the publication of reviews submitted to the Journal is at the editor’s discretion. The editor’s decision will be final. Reviews should be set in double line spacing. The reviewer’s name and institution should be placed at the end of the review on the right hand side of the page. Any references should be incorporated into the text of the review. For all correspondence, please email The name/s of author/s of the book should be quoted at the top of the first page followed by the full title and subtitle of the book, the publisher, year of publication, number of pages and price (paperback/hardback):
Daphne Halikiopoulou and Sofia Vasilopoulou (eds.). 2011. Nationalism and Globalisation: Conflicting or Complimentary? London: Routledge. 197 pp. £23.99 (pbk), £85 (hbk).