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Given Name Mazlum Kemal
Family Name Dagdelen
Given Name Munkhtamir
Family Name Damdinsuren
Given Name Antonis
Family Name Danos
Given Name Sunaina
Family Name Danziger
Given Name ATISH
Family Name DAS
Given Name Christophe
Family Name Davis
Given Name Ignasi
Family Name de Bolós i Pi
Given Name Philip
Family Name Deans
Given Name Biplab
Family Name Deb
Given Name Andre
Family Name DeBattista
Given Name Philipp
Family Name Decker
Affiliation Turkish-German University
Position Asst. Prof.
Interests nation-building, Empire, Central Europe, Turkey, Populism
Given Name Savaş
Family Name Dede
Given Name Nicola
Family Name Degli Esposti
Given Name Pepijn
Family Name Demortier
Given Name Darien
Family Name DiNaro
Given Name Maike
Family Name Dinger
Affiliation University of Stirling; University of Strathclyde
Position PhD Researcher
Interests National identity, nation-building, Scottish nationalism and independence movement
Given Name Elena Alina
Family Name Dolea
Given Name Simina
Family Name Dragos
Given Name Zhehao
Family Name Du
Affiliation University of Edinburgh
Position MSc student
Interests nationalism theory; American nationalism
Given Name Nathalie
Family Name Duclos
Affiliation University of Toulouse, France
Position Professor
Interests Scottish nationalism, nationalist movements, independence movements, movements & parties
Given Name Christopher
Family Name Duff
Given Name Isadora
Family Name Dullaert
Given Name Isadora
Family Name Dullaert
Given Name Pier Luc
Family Name Dupont Picard
Given Name Rita
Family Name Durão
Given Name Jan Willem
Family Name Duyvendak
Given Name Bartosz
Family Name Dziewanowski-Stefańczyk